"Miss Jacinth"
Top Level > Bears Already Adopted.
"Miss Jacinth"

Miss Jacinth is the latest bear in our lovely Millinery Collection, she is around 4" tall and as you can see has a rather spectacular hat! We have made her from gorgeous deep aubergine coloured South African mohair, short and dense in texture which we have combined with dusky mulberry pink Schulte mohair for her skirt. This fur is very, very long, extremely soft in texture and it has a slight wave in the pile, it makes a lovely floaty sort of skirt. Her pads, paws and hat are made of toning dusky pink coloured cashmere, her hat is also decorated with a pale grey ribbon trim which has polka-dots on it and this is picked out on her polka-dot decorated belly button. Her hat also has a number of ribbon flowers stitched on in toning shades of pink and brown. She is steel shot filled for weight, has shiny black English glass eyes and a pale lilac stitched nose. I do hope you like her, she is rather special. Miss Jacinth costs £44 plus postage.
Please note that as with all our bears, Miss Jacinth is not a toy and is not suitable for children.