Top Level > Bears Already Adopted.

With his gorgeous colours of turquoise sea and golden sands, Neptune seemed like an appropriate name for this lovely 5 1/2" bear. His arms, head and ears are made of beautiful hand dyed deep turquoise mohair, straight and silky soft whilst his body and legs are made of sandy gold Schulte mohair again quite straight and stringy in texture. They look fantastic together, we have also given Neptune toning gold ultrasuede pads and pale turquoise ultrasuede paws. He has a gold stitched nose and shiny black English glass eyes, his belly button is a lovely turquoise heart and he is filled with steel shot and steel balls for weight. Neptune is the God of the Seas in Roman Mythology, our Neptune is not quite as scary as that, a really beautiful bear with a lovely soulful face, I hope you like him. He costs £45 plus postage.
Please note that as with all our bears, Neptune is not a toy and is not suitable for children.